We don’t aim for the best: we aim for more

A business philosophy that has been with us for over 70 years

Foto Direzione 2024

A three-generation family affair

The Sandrini family has been operating in the metals sector for three generations. From a small artisan company to a large industrial company, over the years it has maintained the strength of a compact family management and a clear objective: to achieve the highest levels of quality in the product and service offered.

The members of the Sandrini family have led the company for over 70 years, ensuring a compact and forward-looking direction.

Sede legale, amministrativa e produttiva

Our business units

Today Sandrini Metalli is a fast, reliable, competitive and technologically advanced partner for all operators in the sector in the supply of products and services for roofing and metal coatings and operates with three different divisions:

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    Building Division

    It deals with the production of corrugated metal sheets for multiple uses.

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    Coils Division

    It is dedicated to the cutting and marketing of coils, flat sheets, strips, bands.

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    Architecture Division

    It offers products for cladding and roofing with a high architectural value.

We are our history

Nazareno Sandrini, insieme al fratello Vittorio, futuro fondatore di Sandrini Metalli, fonda una piccola attività artigianale a Piamborno (BS)
I fratelli decidono di fondare la OLLS SNC (Officina Lavorazioni Lamiere Sandrini), una nuova azienda specializzata nella lavorazione delle lamiere, che costituirà le basi dell’attuale Sandrini Metalli
Il 1988 vede l’ingresso in azienda di Lorenza Sandrini, figlia di Nazareno e attuale AD della società, e di suo marito Pierfranco Damioli. Inizia un’importante fase di crescita e sviluppo che, nel 2001, porta alla costituzione della Sandrini Metalli nell’attuale sede di Costa Volpino (BG) e della Divisione Building. L’azienda conquista la leadership di mercato
In questo periodo fa il suo ingresso in azienda la terza generazione “Alberto, Nazzareno e Federica”. Viene comprato un nuovo fabbricato a Pian Camuno (BS), destinato a diventare la sede della nuova Divisione Coils, dedicata alla lavorazione e alla fornitura di coils e nastri
Il business cresce ancora e acquista una nuova sede a Chiari (BS), che ospiterà la Divisione Architecture, creata per ampliare e diversificare l’offerta sul mercato, attraverso prodotti dedicati al mondo dell’architettura
Oggi Sandrini Metalli conta 4 sedi, più di 160 collaboratori e una rete commerciale capillare. Dopo più di 70 anni di attività ed esperienza, l’azienda si propone come un partner competente, pronto e affidabile per ogni progetto

We are our history


Vittorio Sandrini, together with his brother Nazareno, future founder of Sandrini Metalli, founded a small craft business in Piamborno (BS), specialising in metal carpentry and tinwork.


The brothers decide to found OLLS SNC (Officina Lavorazioni Lamiere Sandrini), a new company specialising in metal sheet processing, which will form the basis of the current Sandrini Metalli


1988 saw the entry into the company of Lorenza Sandrini, daughter of Nazareno and current CEO of the company, and her husband Pierfranco Damioli. An important phase of growth and development began which, in 2001, led to the establishment of Sandrini Metalli in the current headquarters in Costa Volpino (BG) and of the Building Division.


In this period, the third generation – Alberto, Nazzareno and Federica – joined the company. A new building is purchased in Pian Camuno (BS), destined to become the headquarters of the new Coils Division, dedicated to the processing and supply of coils and strips.


The business continues to grow and acquires a new headquarters in Chiari (BS), which will host the Architecture Division, created to expand and diversify the offer on the market, through products dedicated to the world of architecture.


Currently, Sandrini Metalli has 4 offices, more than 160 employees and a widespread sales network. After more than 70 years of activity and experience, the company offers itself as a competent, ready and reliable partner for every project.

The numbers that make us proud




Years of history




Customers served

Our mission? Improving every day

Unity, responsibility and transparency: our values guide us every day in creating a healthy company that is attentive to the needs of all its customers and employees.

Values and mission
i valori dell'azienda sono unità responsabilità e trasparenza e ne parliamo in un momento di condivisione

Our offices

Our 4 offices represent the cornerstones of our administrative, logistical and production organisation.

sede principale di costa volpino

Costa Volpino (BG)

Registered, administrative and production headquarters – 9,000 square metres

sede storica e magazzino di costa volpino

Costa Volpino (BG)

Historic headquarters and warehouse 2,000 square metres

sede di pian camuno

Pian Camuno (BS)

Production site and warehouse – 5,000 square metres

Sede produttiva chiari

Chiari (BS)

Production site 17,000 square metres

An ever-expanding sales network

Sandrini Metalli boasts a wide and widespread sales network, present both in Italy and abroad, composed of technically trained sales officers and agents to offer speed and flexibility in customer responses. Sandrini Metalli’s sales network is:










We don't just put passion into it, but also face!

The members of the Sandrini family have led the company for over 70 years, ensuring a compact and far-sighted direction.

Nazareno 3

Nazareno Sandrini


Lorenza 1

Lorenza Sandrini


Nazzareno 1

Nazzareno Damioli

General Director

Federica 1

Federica Damioli

Purchasing Manager

PierFranco 1

Pier Franco Damioli

Member of the Board of Directors


The management can count on the qualified skills of its managers, who dialogue directly with it, sharing ideas, opinions, projects and initiatives.

Sonia Faustini Responsabile Back Office, Pianificazione e Produzione

Sonia Faustini

Head of Operations Dep. Coils

Marcella Peloni Coordinatrice Spedizioni

Marcella Peloni

Shipping Coordinator

Maurizio Masia

Maurizio Masia

Sales Manager

Marco Savoldelli Responsabile Back Office

Marco Savoldelli

Sales Manager

Andrea Marini Responsabile Controllo di Gestione

Andrea Marini

Head of Management Control

Sabrina Colosio Responsabile Contabilità di Magazzino

Sabrina Colosio

Warehouse Accounting Manager

Giorgio Morganti

Giorgio Morganti

Industry Sector Manager

Giovanni Depedro Responsabile Tecnico e R&S

Giovanni Depedro

Technical and R&D Manager

Luca Moratti Responsabile Produzione

Luca Moratti

Production Manager

Andrea Dello Buono Responsabile pianificazione della produzione

Andrea Dello Buono

Production Planning Manager

Samuele Lombardini Responsabile ICT

Samuele Lombardini

ICT Manager 

Viola Sarita Tadini Responsabile Marketing e Comunicazione

Viola Sarita Tadini

Marketing and Communication Manager

Benedetto Callegari

Benedetto Callegari

Sales Manager

Andrea Filippi Responsabile Acquisti Materie Prime

Andrea Filippi

Raw Material Purchasing Manager

Fioravante Scali

Fioravante Scali

Production Manager

Silvia Bianchi Responsabile Risorse Umane

Silvia Bianchi

Head of Human Resources

The entire team

Each manager is responsible for their own group and together, they form the Sandrini Metalli team: over 160 people, divided between office and production roles, working with passion and growing every day.

il team di sandrini metalli

What people say about us

“Quality, speed, problem solving”

"The level of quality of the material and workmanship, to date, is excellent"

"Prepared team, quick to respond and absolutely available"

"Both the products and, above all, the commercial service are always in line with the requests and, in the event of our errors in the order phase, the solution has always been found."

"We would like to thank you for being the valuable partner with whom we hope to work for a long time."

“Competent, helpful, attentive, discreet staff.”