
Seamed sheets

Seamed sheets have always been one of the most versatile and durable traditional roofing systems. The absence of holes and the distinctive type of seam make it the pre-eminent roofing solution.

SANDgraf Playup Stone Grafite (1)

Safety even in extreme conditions

Seamed metal sheet is a particular type of roofing that is mainly used for its extremely safe characteristics, in critical contexts such as high mountains or where atmospheric rainfall is abundant and often violent, both on the roof and on the façade. We recommend the choice of this type of seamed roofing for roofs with slope > 7%.

We also recommend paying maximum attention to thermal dilations in relation to the chosen material.

Sandgraf Render Profilo Sandgraf

Complete accessories for seamed roofing

Sandrini Metalli is able to provide the necessary accessories for the installation of your seamed metal sheet roofing such as fixed and sliding clips, snow guards, photovoltaic clamps.

Available with SANDnodrip anti-condensation or SANDcontrol anti-noise and anti-condensation applications.

SANDgraf Playup Stone Grafite (4)

The advantages

The main advantages of SANDgraf seamed sheets are:

Simplicity of installation

Versatile use

High safety

Rust resistant

Application sectors

SANDgraf is a system used in various residential and public applications, especially in the mountain context.




Strengths of the system

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Fine design

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Slope up to 7% (or 5%)

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Traditional aesthetics

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