
For fixed radius bending

Controlled bending with microprints

Micro impression calendering is a bending process that allows a controlled deformation of trapezoidal sheet metal until the desired radius of bending is obtained. Constant radius curved sheets are mainly used in the creation of curved roofing (on metal structures, prefabricated Y-shaped tiles, etc.).



Lavorazione Di Calandratura

Calendering process available for the following profiles:

  • SAND 20
  • SAND 28
  • SAND 35
  • SAND 40/250


  • Radius of bending = min. 2000 mm
  • Length = min. 1000 mm
  • Impression pitch = 50 mm

For different projects or requests, please contact our Technical Department to request a feasibility analysis.

Sandrini Metalli corrugated sheets