Fixings for corrugated metal sheets

The correct fixing for all roofing

Fixing systems for all structures

The choice of a correct fixing system and the installation of the same are a determining factor for the correct functioning of the roofing; in fact, depending on the substructure and type of product to be fixed, the components necessary for anchoring change.

The available fixing systems are generally represented by: screws for timber, screws for iron, screws for concrete, self-drilling screws, self-tapping screws, caps and caps for roofing.

The screws mainly used for the roofing can be in galvanised steel or stainless steel. There is a particular type of screw called bimetallic, consisting of the stainless steel body and the galvanised steel tip that serves to improve the drilling capacity of the screw itself.

Sandrini Metalli has a wide assortment of roofing fixings always in stock and can assist the customer in choosing the most suitable product thanks to the assistance of its specialised technicians.

Policarbonato Grecato Compatto.i9261 KpEdBgx W146 H150 F1 L1 4


Policarbonato Grecato Compatto.i9261 KpEdBgx W146 H150 F1 L1 5

Screws for concrete

Policarbonato Grecato Compatto.i9261 KpEdBgx W146 H150 F1 L1 6

Screws for wood

Policarbonato Grecato Compatto.i9261 KpEdBgx W146 H150 F1 L1 8


Policarbonato Grecato Compatto.i9261 KpEdBgx W146 H150 F1 L1 9

Washers and gaskets

Policarbonato Grecato Compatto.i9261 KpEdBgx W146 H150 F1 L1 7

Finishing caps

Sandrini Metalli corrugated sheets